Moms and Dads!
The Family Open Game Console is proud to announce: The Family Open Game Console!
So what is this FOGC? And who am I?
I'm a dad, programmer, and open-source enthusiast. My kids are just starting kindergarten and I think its a good time to start playing some games with them. I've actually been very anti-gaming for a lot of years, basically since my roommate and all my friends flunked out of college due to the release of Halo 2 (and Fable and lack of motivation and priorities). But now I'm remembering some fun times playing games with friends. There was a lot of wasted time, but I think a balance can be achieved.
So this blog is my documented search to create a family friendly game console, but I'm also a linux user and a big believer in the benefits of software freedom, so I'd really like to be able to use open source games. That limits the choices pretty quickly. So its going to be basically a linux HTPC with some controllers and some carefully selected games.
My goals and priorities are:
- Safe games that don't teach my kids things I don't want them to learn
- Open source software (which actually excludes most emulators since the ROMs are bootlegs)
- Local multiplayer games so this is a social device where you actually have to invite someone to come play with you
So everything is arbitrated by me. If I think its too violent or too sketchy of licensing, I'll draw the line and you may disagree or not, but it's my project for my family. If you are interested follow along. If not, it's not the first time I've blogged about stuff nobody cares about. :)